Stress Blog

Stress Awareness: How to keep your cool in the midst of chaos

How well do you think you handle stress at work? It seems like every year, practice managers working in busy surgeries are being asked to do more with less.
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Online Abuse Against GP Practice Staff: Practical Ways to Respond

Across the UK, GP practice staff are increasingly facing online abuse, either as part of the business or on a personal level. Here we look at practical steps a practice can take. 

How I beat a bully to become a better Practice Manager

A practice manager shares their story of what led them to fall in love with general practice – and how the experience of overcoming the bullying behaviour of a colleague helped them become a better manager.

A guide to navigating tough situations for PMs

A positive mindset does not mean trying to stay positive every second of every day, or that optimism is warranted in every situation.

How to Deal with Burnout: Signs and Prevention

As managers and employers, it is important to provide support and guidance to staff when they need it. The nature of working in general practice can be very demanding and as a result, healthcare professionals can find themselves trapped in stressful situations.